What are small stones?

What are Small Stones?

Small stones are an observed moment,
written down. My small stones were initially inspired by the River of Stones
project each January, which sees hundreds of people observing a moment or
experience in their day and writing it down for the month. They can then be
shared on blogs, Facebook, Twitter or just written in a notebook, on a pebble,
the loo roll... To find out more about the flow of this simple movement to bring
more presence and awareness into our lives, check out the following link:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Small Stone #14

Irritation seeping through the cracks where the mind's dam is breaking...We all have too much to do already and still I'm trying to figure out how I can take just a day to help people who are trying to save trees.

Trying to force the pieces into our jigsaw.

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